Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dorothy's shoes 2

My friend Carol and her uncontrolable impulse of buying the most ashtoning Melissas amazes and cheers me more and more :)) Yesterday she just showed up with pair of Wizard of Oz Melissa!!! :D I am simply obssessed with Dorothy's shoes and yellow brick road. I think I need to find the way to somewhere over the rainbow...

PS: I will definitely wear this on my birthday :) I did need shoes for the ocasion indeed. Perfect timing, like always.

"Everything is in divine and perfect order." Always.


  1. These shoes looks beautiful!

    And I must say, I have never seen a blog with this many feet before. What an original idea!

    Thanks for the facebook add by the way.


  2. By the way, it's Erica from

    I didn't find any name+url option after 'comment as'.

  3. I know! You have a great blog too, totally my style of travelling... I have your link here on my side bar with cool sites ;)
    Thank you too.

  4. Thanks for adding my link :) I have added this blog to my travel blogs links page.
