Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lillies :)

got ink done today! :D still buuuurns...

...actually I recycled an old tattoo I had there for 15 years, and it really wasn't me anymore... now it literally is! And I LOVE it!


  1. Wow...you actually got it done! It looks nice...much better than the old one. Where did you have it done?

  2. you, my friend, are a rockstar. if i weren't so old, uncool, and muy feo maybe. but, nope, that'll never be the case, so no ink for me. i've purchased one tat, one nose stud, and the ubuitous lingerie for a twenty-something chica if that counts. ;)

  3. hahaha! but if you want it, you should go for it! beauty is in the eye of the beholder ;)

  4. Great unique tattoo! Goes with your hair (and soul?)and reminds me of a Georgia O'Keefe.
