Friday, November 20, 2009


Cidade Maravilhosa - Caetano Veloso

I'm a carioca da gema (born and raised in Rio, daughter of cariocas) and I can't stop being amazed by this city's views. They still make me breathless, after 32 years! :))

This is Lagoa, right by my house, seen from Clube Piraque. I used to go there a lot when I was a kid, but I haven't been there in years. It was like a time travel for me; I could almost see my mom by the lake, helping me feed the little fish that jump for bread crumbs...

Portuguese has a word with no translation for any other language - it's saudade. I guess it was not only the view that got me breathless that day... :')

Monday, November 16, 2009

yogi feet

Across the Universe - Jim Sturgess, Across the Universe Soundtrack

About a month ago I decided to change my life completely. I ended relationships that didn't bring me anything positive, bad habits, and made decisions that will rule my life in times to come. One of them is to practice Yoga, something that's been on my path for a while, but that I now chose to fully embrace. Not only the physical part of it, but the philosophy, the meditation, the attitude towards others and myself.

I have to say that I never felt better :) It took me a lot of inner work, the courage to look inside of me and really pick on my wounds so I could finally start the healing process. The outside attacks are still coming, but now I vibrate higher, and they can't really affect my spirit. I truly hope that everyone chooses the light path, as I did. All I have inside of me is love. As The Beatles used to sing, nothing is gonna change my world :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Tinker Bell, Cabare girl, the Oscar and Bernie, the dead guy from Weekend at Bernie's :)