Saturday, June 27, 2009

...keep on partying...

next day after the hang over... keep on celebrating!

friends from childhood reminds me of 80's hits... PRESS PLAY What's on your mind - Information Society

at the top: myself and Bianca and the amazing light effects that I get playing with my camera night mode
at the bottom: Patricia and Fernanda in hills showing her new tattoo

Friday, June 26, 2009

I keep dancing (rock 'n roll)

one more from the 'oldies but goodies' session... PRESS PLAY Everytime I see you falling - New order

I LOVE Empório for drunk 2am want to dance feet !

Myself, Bibi (yes, we have the same shoes) and Carol, my cousin Aninha, Felipe and Marcelo dancing like there's no tomorrow (except that there is, and aging is a fact...). But we had a blast!

There is no place like home

32nd birthday

The kids were in love with the cake... and so was I :)

I LOVE Confetti bombs! They are a must have in my parties.

Myself, Carol with another of her Melissa shoes, Bianca and my sister, Chris.

My sister trying to make Billy get in the picture... I'm not sure he wants to though...

I LOVE parties. I usually like to have them at home, or in some unexpected place, like a boat, 2 years ago. Last year I didn't really do anything because my life was very stressfull back then. My mom then decided to bake me a cake, and invite a few friends to her place, to sing me happy birthday. That was very sweet... and also the last birthday I would ever spend with her here on this planet.

So this year I thought I'd have a dinner party at my place, cooking one of the most traditional dishes made by my grandma, the shrimp Bobó, to pay homage to her. Why be sad, right? Life is too fast and random for us to waste any time. Keep celebrating! Even if it is just for being alive one more day.

I was born in a rainy day

...and it has been like that ever since.

It's ok, I like rainny days :) They make me think. Sunny days make me want to go out and do something. I guess birthdays are days I'm supposed to think about what I'm doing, like a New Year's balance, but for me only.

I had breakfast at Confeitaria Colombo, a very traditional tea house in Rio. The original one is downtown, but I chose the one on Forte de Copacabana. Next to my feet is Sugarloaf again, from the opposite side of Niterói.

Astonishing view, even in a cloudy day... I LOVE it!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rio Niterói

They say the best thing about Niterói is the view... but that's mean, it is such a pretty place... It's a nice outlook though, great angle of the Sugarloaf and the Christ. This is Camboinhas, a very pleasant beach where you can eat fresh fish in kiosks in the sand.

Mercado de Peixe São Pedro (Saint Peter Fish Market) in Niterói is where you can find the best fish in Rio. Chefs go there at 5 a.m. to buy the most fresh ones. I went there, obviously much later than that (I guess I'm not such a great chef... hehe) to get shrimp for my very famous grandma's recipe of Bobó, a traditional dish from Bahia. This will be my birthday dinner menu :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

I LOVE sitting down in the shower

I like you so much better when you are naked - Ida Maria

I LOVE really hot showers in the winter. My bathroom ceiling will probably be a little moldy again by spring... oh well, I'll need to do some paiting soon. That's fine :) I also love changing the colors anyways.

Music is always good too... I LOVE singing in my own personal rain!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dorothy's shoes 2

My friend Carol and her uncontrolable impulse of buying the most ashtoning Melissas amazes and cheers me more and more :)) Yesterday she just showed up with pair of Wizard of Oz Melissa!!! :D I am simply obssessed with Dorothy's shoes and yellow brick road. I think I need to find the way to somewhere over the rainbow...

PS: I will definitely wear this on my birthday :) I did need shoes for the ocasion indeed. Perfect timing, like always.

"Everything is in divine and perfect order." Always.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Original Sin or Invitation or the first step 2

This first started with me trying to make a background for an invitation for a very small dinner party that I will have next friday to celebrate my birthday... bedroom wallpaper, some images I like... and somehow I ended up with this.

Lilli is Barbie's mom. She was a "post-war, sassy and ambitious and had no reservations talking about sex. As she had her own job she earned her own money as a secretary but wasn't above hanging out with rich men". I guess what they mean is that she was a whore... How sweet! I was really surprised when I found out. Not to mention the name thing, it was through Barbie that I could be the woman I wanted to be for many years, as I grew up.

Anyways, it's always about how you choose to look at things - she was a pretty chic lady with fabulous dresses and a very strong personality. "I could do without balding old men but my budget couldn't!", "As you were angry when I was late this morning I will leave the office at five p.m. sharp!", "Which piece do you want me to take off?" (to a policeman who told her that two-piece-swimsuits were banned), "The sunrise is so beautiful that I always stay late at the nightclub to see it!". These were some of her pearls, on the comic book. Ah, the dolls was inspired by a comic caracter. Well, despite of the fact she slept with man for money, she was a woman ahead of her time, and with a very sharp tongue, who knew exactly what she needed and did what she had to do to get it.

Lilith was Adam's first wife. She was made of the same substance that he was made of. She left Adam because of a fight about gender equality. She is accused of being the snake that made Eve eat the apple. Legend says that her kids became demons. She is often described as a demon herself, and considered to be a bearer of disease, illness, and death. Supousely she is also the incarnation of lust, causing men to be led astray.

Poor Lilies. They can't have an opinion...

As you judge so you will be judged.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Debret @ Cais do Porto

Although we missed the show, Fashion Rio was a great place to hang out. We saw the sunset drinking pink champagne in comfy desk chairs, eating a very yummy spicy caramel nuts mix. And on the way out, look what I found... Jean-Baptiste Debret right outside, decorating the already amazing view. :))

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pierre Verger @ Fashion Rio

So, I got a ticket for Maria Bonita's fashion show from my dear mother in law (yes, she is a darling!) but my boyfriend and I got there too late... it begun on time! Bad Lilli... anyways, it was great to see Pierre Verger's exhibit :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

cave woman

Cave at Parque Lage with stalactites and stalagmites. It was kind of dark inside, and I hate the flash from automatic cameras, so... it's a little blurry... but I like it :) I don't think the focus is that important anyways... many perfect things in life happen out of focus...

Water falls 2

Sometimes it pours, sometimes it drips, but the water keeps falling. And running.
Keep walking.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Parque Lage

PRESS PLAY Girls just wanna have fun - Cindy Lauper

I downloaded a bunch of 80's songs, got my camera, chalk, pen and paper, a sweater (I'm always cold), my boyfriend (he helps keeping me warm too! :)) and went on a walk to take pictures for the human clock. We ended up at Parque Lage, had a wonderful breakfast at almost 2pm, and sang a lot.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Heritage for the human calendar

for my mom
PRESS PLAY I just called to say I love you - Stevie Wonder

I just brought home from my sister's place my mom's drawing box. Since I wanted to take a picture for the human calendar with my birthday, I thought I'd use her stencils...

Heritage for the human clock 8

Mom's stencils for the human clock.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

for the human clock 7

I knew they didn't need a 12:34, but I couldn't resist...

for the human clock 6

This is one of the very few radio stations that I can listen to at Rio.

2 right feet 4 the human clock 5

Boyfriend's special feet apearance.
And again, no animals or plants were harmed during this shooting. We are good people :)

for the human clock 4

for the human clock 3

No animals or plants were harmed during this shooting.

for the human clock 2

@ Parque Lage's little tower top. I love old tiles, although these are pretty destroyed... and don't worry, I only write with chalk, so I'm not leaving any permanent marks other this picture... ;)